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Historic markers, monuments and memorials...


     Our communities are dotted with monuments, memorials and historic markers; they are passive forms of public history. We walk and drive by them every day paying them little notice and understanding even less of their purpose or why they were installed in these particular locations. What are we supposed to think, how are we supposed to recognize them, honor them or relate to them? These monuments and markers often stand in isolation from one another, from the community at large and from public history organizations and associations. Some towns wear their history prominently and proudly while history in other towns seems neglected and the reminents seem to stand in spite of the community's awareness.

     This project will focus on identifying and cataloging 'unafilliated' markers and memorials in New Hampshire's four original towns; Portsmouth,Dover, Hampton and Exeter. The goal is to scout out the various historic markers and memorials in the four towns that are not currently affiliated with a national, state or local historical society or agency. Though monuments fit perfectly within the research topic, a national project has already been completed to catalog outdoor sculptures in all fifty states.



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